ACOP Prairie Region
Church Ministry Initiative Information

VISION SETS THE ADVENTUROUS APART FROM THE AVERAGE, the courageous apart from the complacent, the motivated apart from the mediocre.
LEADERS ARE PEOPLE OF VISION, PASSION, MISSION, AND ACTION; those who continuously look for opportunities to propel themselves forward, identifying ways to further invest in and develop their leadership ability and ministry capacity.
LEADERS SEE POTENTIAL AND POSSIBILITY BEFORE OTHERS DO, in people and places where others don’t. Leaders understand their God-given ministry calling, gifting, and anointing and are not satisfied with mediocrity. They believe that life, leadership, and ministry are all to be
a display of excellence, influence, and godly presence.
LEADERS SHARE A MINDSET OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT and look for innovative ways to increase their qualifications by cultivating the quality level of their leadership.
LEADERS KNOW THAT THE BLEND OF THEIR LIFE AND LEADERSHIP is the basis for legacy building. The desire for development and growth within leaders is rooted in a vision of heritage—an inheritance—that pushes them beyond themselves, past their comfort zones, for the
sake of something much larger, grander, and further than what they can achieve alone.
A LEADER’S FOCUS IS FIXED ON THE NEXT GENERATION. Christ-centered leaders put this inner drive to be part of a legacy building ministry back into the realm and reach of the Gospel to further the Church’s mission on earth of “extending grace and igniting hope” in places of need where an infusion of grace and hope is needed.

OUR ACOP PRAIRIE REGION (Saskatchewan) RECOGNIZES THIS LEADERSHIP MINISTRY DYNAMIC and is deeply interested in assisting financially, spiritually, and strategically in both the ongoing development of its credentialed and ordained leaders and in the advancement of new church ministries. We realize the untapped potential and possibility that exists among the leaders
and churches that together make up our district.

This ACOP Church Ministry Initiative Funding Application is a way for the ACOP Prairie Region to partner with and assist local church in the fulfillment and expansion of ministry dreams and initiatives that will further the Gospel in the province of Saskatchewan.

Through this application process, the ACOP Prairie Regaion can provide certain levels of funding to churches in the form of a one-time financial subsidy designated toward new ministry initiatives, evangelistic outreach efforts, campus start-ups, or church plants that will have a direct impact on pastoral and church effectiveness, especially in the context of “extending grace and igniting hope” within the local community.

With Spirit-led direction and financial discretion, our ACOP Prairie Region Lead Team may also recommend on occasion approved courses and ministry training that we feel would be applicable and beneficial to your context of church life and ministry.

Financial subsidies are only available and issued on the basis of an approved application.

ACOP Church Ministry Initiative Funding is not given for the purpose of ongoing operations, management, or administration needs. It’s an investment into visionary ministry start-ups!

Accessible funding will require a well-defined, mission-centered ministry proposal for use either in the local church or within its surrounding community. A 1-3-5 Year Ministry Development plan is also required as part of this application process. If needed, the ACOP Prairie Region Lead Team can assist you in the clarification, creation, and communication of your Ministry Development Plan.

Your Funding Application Process

Our ACOP Church Ministry Initiative Funding Application may seem intense. That’s because we want the right ministries in the right places for the right reasons— ministries that are willing and eager
to serve, to influence, to impact, and to expand with a high level of efficiency, intensity, and fervency to accomplish great things for the glory of God in our ACOP Prairie Region.

This process shows us who you are as a local church and what you want to become! It also gives us a quick glimpse into your ministry passion, your expectation, and your determination!

The time and effort that you invest into defining your ministry goals and objectives will help you regardless of whether or not your application is approved.

Application Instructions:
1. Read through the ACOP Church Ministry Initiative Funding Application.
2. Ensure that your Church Leadership Team has fully discussed and is in full agreement of
your proposed ACOP Church Ministry Initiative.
3. Fill out your ACOP Church Ministry Initiative Funding Application.
4. Write out your ACOP Church Ministry Initiative Objectives.
5. Submit your ACOP Church Ministry Initiative Funding Application online.

After receiving your ACOP Church Ministry Initiative Funding Application, the Regional Lead Team may schedule an onsite Ministry Initiative Assessment Interview with your entire Church Leadership Team to hear and
assess the details of your ministry initiative proposal.

Next, our ACOP Regional Director and our ACOP Prairie Region Lead Team will
schedule an ACOP Ministry Initiatives Valuation & Consultation Meeting to pray together for God’s wisdom and direction regarding your ministry proposal, at which time your funding application will be discussed, assessed, evaluated, screened, and processed.

Church Ministry Initiative Proposals may require as long as six months of process
time, or longer depending on the initiative proposed or level of funding

Following the ACOP Ministry Initiatives Valuation & Consultation Meeting
you will receive a formal response from the ACOP Prairie Region Director as to whether or not your requested subsidy has been approved or denied.

ACOP Church Ministry Initiative

Funding Application Form

Applicant Information

Number of Years

Church Ministry Initiative Funding Options

Church Ministry Initiative Objectives

The Church Ministry Initiative Objectives that you write in this secton will help us better understand your request for funding and will assist in the prioritizing of your application. List your Church Ministry Initiative Objectives
in order of preference as to when and how you intend to perform and fulfill them in relation to your funding request.
Be as specific as you can.

1-3-5 Year Ministry Development Plan

Where there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray.
Proverbs 29:18a TPT

Successful ministry is the outcome of prayerful, Spirit-led strategic planning and execution—envisioned, developed,
launched, and ultimately fulfilled in incremental stages. It is imperative that you write out a visionary, faith-based prophetic
Church Ministry Development Plan as a reference to help guide your decisions and directives through each stage of ministry initiation and completion. Your 1-3-5 Year Church Ministry Initiative Plan will be used to help us assess your application and funding request.

Briefly identify your 1-3-5 Year Ministry Development Plan in this section. Be as specific as you can.

Thank you for prayerfully seeing God's direction as you plan for this initiative and for working your way through this application!

Once all sections of this application are complete, you can submit it with the button below.
If you have any questions, or want to talk through the process with someone, please reach out to your Regional Director.