What you need to know

When applying to become a Global Worker with ACOP Global Harvest / Beyond, you will also be required to hold ministerial membership with ACOP of Canada. This provides a family and network of leaders for you to belong to, who will support you, and to whom you will be accountable. Therefore, following these next steps will enable you to apply as a Global Worker and a member of ACOP of Canada at the same time.


There are 3 different membership types that would apply to Global Workers. You can read more about membership types in the Policy Manual.

  1. Enlisted Membership – for those requiring further ministerial development before being approved as a Commissioned Member and deployed as a recognized clergy.
  2. Commissioned Membership – for approved Global Workers deployed as recognized clergy.
  3. Ordained Membership – for clergy who are called to vocational ministry.

Steps to being approved as a global worker including ACOP membership

Please complete all of these steps consecutively.

1. Complete Global Worker Application Questions

Click HERE to fill out this form. 

This form asks about your spiritual journey, education, hobbies, and other questions to help us get to know you better! Also, please be prepared to provide 3 references. We will contact them after you submit this form, so be sure to let them know.

2. Complete Covenant and Payment

Click HERE to fill out covenant and payment.

(including $200 application fee for singles, $150 per person for couples).

3. Submit a criminal records check / police records check

You can either obtain your own police/background check (about $20 to $30, depending on your local police station) and email it to applications@acop.ca, or you can permit us to submit a background check on your behalf through our partner, MyBackCheck ($35).

If you selected the MyBackCheck option on your Global Worker Application Questions, you will receive a request from MyBackCheck to pay a fee. Once you pay, your Police Check will automatically be sent to ACOP.

4. Complete an online interactive questionnaire

If you are NOT already an ACOP member, click HERE for the Interactive Questionnaire.

This may take up to 45 minutes to complete.

5. Interview with the Missions Directors (online or in person) and ACOP Regional Rep. from your region / province

Please complete this form before your interview if you have been asked to do so. If you have not been asked to complete it, please take a few minutes to review the questions prior to your interview with the Lead Team.

You can click HERE to view the interview questions.

6. Approval of application and direction to membership pathway

ACOP and Global Harvest will determine whether you proceed as an Enlisted member, Commissioned member, or transfer of Ordination. A developmental plan will be provided to Enlisted members.

7. Complete Eston College Online courses (as assigned)

Our office will send you instruction on how to sign up for ECO.

Once you have received the instructions, click HERE to register for ECO courses.

8. Attend an Open Door Retreat

A place to gather with your Regional Director and Lead Team and others who are becoming members of ACOP in your region, ask questions, pray, and minster. You will also receive your Minister Certificate at the end of the retreat. Your Regional Director will contact you when an Open Door Retreat is scheduled.

9. Receive final approval

After approval, the Missions Directors and ACOP office staff will help you complete a series of smaller steps before you are deployed to your country.

We are excited to have you on board - let's get started!

We’re glad you’re interested in becoming a Global Worker and obtaining membership with ACOP. If you have any questions or comments along the way, please feel free to contact our office by email acop@acop.ca or by phone (403) 273-5777.

Start the process!

Click here to become an ACOP member and Global Worker.

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