Thank you for another year with ACOP!
Please note: In order for you to remain in good standing with your provincial Vital Statistics, it is important that this renewal form is completed before your ACOP membership expires.
If you have any questions or require assistance along the way, please contact our office by email or by phone at 403-273-5777.
* Indicates required fields
We are unable to process monthly payments from churches.
If you are over 65, enter Senior65 in the discount box below and click Apply for 10% off your membership!
If your information has changed, please make the appropriate changes below.
By submitting this form you are acknowledging that you are the member renewing your membership and that the information is correct.
Listed on our website are documents that govern ACOP. We are not asking for complete agreement on every point, but a willingness to abide by the ACOP Statement of Faith, General Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and Code of Conduct. These documents can be found on the ACOP members portal. Answering "Yes" to these statements indicates acceptance.
By completing and submitting this form, you agree to abide by the Membership Covenants and digitally sign this document.
If you are choosing to pay monthly, please set your first payment to begin in January, 2024.