ACOP Builds

ACOP Builds

ACOP Builds is an initiative of ACOP Global Harvest to assist Global ACOP Partners from materially challenged countries with church roofs and related material / labour.  Priority is given to Global Partners who have used local resources and labour to build their churches but have financial challenges in completing their roofs (or partial buildings).

Your generosity and support will help us expand the kingdom of God by putting roofs on churches and assisting with building projects around the world. Thank you for contributing. 


Our donation form is capable of processing both direct bank withdrawals and credit cards and will provide you with the option of giving either a one-time or recurring donation.  Please note USA credit cards are accepted, however all donations made through this form are in Canadian dollars.  

Your contact information (address & email address) will be shared with the Global Worker so that they can send you communications to thank you for your support and keep you up-to-date with their project.  If you do not wish for them to receive this information, please check off the I wish this donation to be anonymous.  You will still receive your tax receipt, but the Global Worker you are supporting will not receive your name or contact information.

Official donation receipts will be sent out at the end of each year.

Please note: Each gift designated toward an approved project will be used for that purpose, with the understanding that when any given need has been met, designated gifts will be used where most needed.

Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Honouree Information
If you wish to make this donation in honour or memory of someone, please include their name below.
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.
Donor Information
Please ensure in proper format X1X 1X1
Please ensure you use the following format 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address