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2024 ACOP Partner Church Report
2024 ACOP Partner Church Report
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What is the name of your Church?
The church is both a gathering of people, and a scattering of people. We gather for worship and fellowship, and we scatter to “
extend grace and ignite hope
” on our community.
1a. What metrics do you use to measure effectiveness when your church is gathered?
1b. What metrics do you use to determine effectiveness of your church when it is scattered?
2. How many people were water baptized at your church in 2024?
3. What is your average weekly attendance for a typical Suday Service?
4. What would your attendance be at a special event (Easter or Christmas)?
5. How many people, including children, youth and adults would consider your church their home church? (Please include both members and adherents.)
6. What percent of your congregation do you estimate is baptized in the Holy Spirit?
7. Is your church incorporated? If so, how? (i.e Federally or Provincially)
8. Is your church engaged in evangelism? If so, what methods or programs are bearing fruit? (i.e. Alpha, street evangelism, Crusade, personal evangelism, etc.)
assist to the
9. Is your church engaged in making disciples? If so, how do you measure the effectiveness of your disciple making initiatives? (i.e. Church attendance, personal bible reading and prayer, small group involvement, ministry engagement, life transformation, multiplication, etc.)
10. How does your Sunday attendance in 2024 compare with you attendance prior to the Covid 19 Pandemic?
Substantially larger
Somewhat larger
About the same
Somewhat smaller
Substantially smaller
11. How does your church's giving in 2024 compare with your church's giving prior to the Covid 19 Pandemic?
Substantially larger
Somewhat larger
About the same
Somewhat smaller
Substantially smaller
12. Does your church live stream your Sunday Services? Is so, what level of engagement do those who watch online have beyond watching the live stream? (i.e Attend other in-person events at the church, donations, small group involvement, online prayer meetings, etc.)
13. How would you assess the overall health of your church?
In need of revitalization
Ready to close
Item #1 Thriving
Item #1 Healthy
Item #1 Maintaining
Item #1 Struggling
In need of revitalization
Item #1 In need of revitalization
Ready to close
Item #1 Ready to close
14. Tell us one story of a life that was changed by your church in 2024:
15. How could your Regional Director assist your church in 2025?