Prairie Region Online Conversations

 Registration is closed for this event

We know that connecting with other people is important and that sometimes the God's voice is heard clearly through the words of another person. This fall you're invited to join an online conversation with others from around the region.

We're praying that amazing God moments will happen for all of us as we connect, share, and pray together!

Would you pick at least one of these conversations to join? A link for the video chat will be sent out before each scheduled session.

The topics and times are:

  • Time: Tuesday October 8th, at 2:00PM
    Topic: Keeping P.A.C.E.: Find Your Calling. Know Your Gifting. Embrace Your Anointing.
    Ministry is rewarding. It is also challenging.
    What rewards of ministry are you seeing and experiencing?
    What challenges are you facing?
    We’re called to be faithful, but we also have a God-given mandate to be fruitful. Sometimes fruitful and faithful weigh on opposite ends of the scale, and it’s easy to feel the weight of that burden in those seasons of ministry.
    How do you define faithful compared to fruitful?
    Have you ever experienced moments or seasons where faithfulness has outweighed fruitfulness, but you’ve kept going anyway?
    Are you aware of and confident in the anointing you carry? How does it show up for you and flow through you to others?
    Host: Llewellyn Janzen
  • Time: Wednesday October 16th, at 10:00AM
    Topic: Preaching
    What about your preaching is working, and what isn't?
    Do you have a long range plan, and what does that look like?
    Do you have a preaching growth plan, or goals as a communicator?
    Do you have any form of feedback, coaching for accountability? What does that look like, or how does that happen?
    Host: Kurt Buchanan
  • Time: Monday October 21st, at 7:00PM
    Topic: Remembering your WHY
    Why do we do what we do?
    Do you ever feel like your just going through the motions of ministry or life?
    We give our life in service to our Lord, but what about all the things we do?
    Host: Chantal & Jordan Gadsby
  • Time: Tuesday October 22nd, at 10:00AM
    Topic: Strive to Enter Into That Rest! (Hebrews 4:9-11)
    The Sabbath Commandment was given to Moses so that the people would understand that we could not keep it!
    We are not capable of resting even for one day, let alone living a life of rest!
    But Jesus has come to fulfil the law! He came and finished the Work!
    No, in Christ, we enter into a Sabbath rest of the Spirit!
    How are we doing at striving to enter into that rest?
    What does it mean?
    How do we do it?
    Host: Merodee & Kevin Hassler
October 8th, 2024 2:00 PM to October 22nd, 2024 12:00 PM
Phone: 3066090090